UTILIA s.r.o. Development and manufacturing of electronic equipment

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PC Card For Teletext Reception with a Software Development Kit

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Software Development Kit  Includes :

several types of virtual drivers:

    Windows 95/98:
ttxrecm.vxd - a static driver. It can be cloned by using program called "Clonner". This allows for the use of multiple cards in one computer.
    Windows NT
tele.sys - a static driver.

ttxrec.dll - dynamic library, which connects the application with the functions of the card. Its build for a simple control while not limiting the broad functions of the teletext cards.

SDK also includes two demo applications, and its source code.

TTXDemo, not too useful, but with its simple interface shows the use of the dynamic library ttxrec.dll. Shows only headers of the incoming teletext pages. ttxdemo.gif (5836 bytes)
ttxsucker.gif (3730 bytes)  

TTXSucker, has a purpose. For every incoming page it builds an file which is build as more information comes in. This file includes all the corresponding sub-pages. From these pages are then removed all the text attributes and graphics, so the information that is being stored is then easily useable for other purposes.


A card that includes a tuner also has auto tuning.

Export function of the dynamic library ttxrec.dll

An example of an archived page

tune.gif (4499 bytes)

    Demo applications were programmed in Borland Delphi 3. Programmers using Delphi are in an advantage, but since there are a lot of similarities between Delphi, C++, Visual Basic, and Visual C++, it should not be a problem in understanding the source code and writing a program in different programming language.

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